Learning Stories

In July 2017, the Roger Federer Foundation started supporting the Marie Meierhofer institute’s further training measure –  called “Learning stories” –  in Switzerland. This distinct and evaluated method of exploration and detailed documentation allows day cares to understand and support their kid’s skills, interests as well as their learning progress. Thus, this method teaches caregivers how to explore and guide the children’s learning processes. The method actively supports early childhood education, young children’s care as well as their education and thus helps to achieve social and economic equality.

The Roger Federer Foundation’s grant of CHF 360’000 over three years will reach 45 day cares. The preconditions of the support are the following:

  • The target group of the programme are nursery schools that show a large amount of children who live in poverty and are socially neglected.

  • The programme will reach 3‘600 children, which means that 45 day cares will be trained in the method of “learning stories”.

  • The Roger Federer Foundation will cover 80% of the training costs. 20% will be paid by each day care.

  • Some of the programme’s goals are children’s strengthened interests, involvement and self-confidence. Furthermore, the pupils should feel that they are taken seriously by their teachers.

  • Regarding the pupil’s parents, the programme aims at the transparency of the children’s learning progress and interests as well as at a simplified communication between parents and nursery teachers.

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